University Incubator Partnership Program

The pandemic has induced the creation of 7 million new mobile banking account holders during the pandemic.

quickly The Financial Inclusion Lab aims to harness the innovation capacities of universities in order to quickly develop solutions to financial inclusion gaps.

In partnership with PhilDev Labs, the Innovations Challenge is a 3-week competition wherein university students and innovators are invited to produce sustainable enterprise solutions in response to operational gaps (formed into problems statements) shared by partner companies and organizations. The winning concepts are provided with mentorship, incubation and integration support under the Labs.

The program’s goal is to further strengthen the relationship between innovators, organizations, and government agencies in generating relevant products, services, and systems towards inclusive and innovative growth.

Objectives of the University Incubator Partnership Program are:

  1. reduce poverty by advancing university-driven solutions in financial inclusion

  2. connect universities to co-create solutions with civil society organizations, private sector, and government actors in the inclusive growth ecosystem

  3. cultivate enduring institutional arrangements that will position universities as long-term partners in financial inclusion

Interested faculty, teams, or university units are encouraged to form Financial Inclusion Lab hubs in order to increase connections and synergies among actors.